Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's my theme?

So I've decided to become one of "those" people. One of the 20 million or so bloggers (and growing) in the United States. Now, I used to think that blogs were for families sharing pictures of the kids, or for subject matter experts on a variety of business topics. I found that ANYONE can have a blog on ANY topic.

I was recently talking to a blogger friend of mine (Motherhood and Me) and told her how I was going to finally put my writing to some use. Her first question...what's your theme? Hmmmmmm. What's my theme? Well, I'm the theme. Isn't that okay? Can't I just write about whatever is on my mind? If I want to gain readership and make some money off this blog, probably not. But I'm not using this blog as a tool so much as an outlet.

I know a little about a lot. I'm way smarter than Wheel of Fortune but not quite up to snuff for Jeopardy. But I like to think and I like to write and I like to share. Oh, and I'm starting my own business. It's a partnership, actually. And this business is all about increasing and improving your web presence. I figured I should practice what I preach.

Am I worried about what potential clients might read on my blog? Not one bit. My belief is that the business world is shifting and we want to connect with people. Real people. Not just a company name, or a subject matter expert. But a real person with a real life where work is only one part of those you do business with.

So I'm Fadra. I'm a worker bee and super mom. Or at least I'm trying to be. Hope you'll come along with me.


  1. Congratulations on joining the blogosphere. That's exciting that you're starting your own business. I look fowarding to following you on your path to success. By "following" I mean "reading about" rather than hitching my wagon to your star.

  2. Amy - if I become a star, you can hitch a wagon to me any time. Where is your blog, ms. fancy pants writer?

  3. I only write for money. I don't think I could get paid to blog. There's probably an internet name for that, like blogstitute.

  4. already enjoyed your first post! looking forward to reading more.

  5. Congrats Fadra. Your ability to ponder the exigent trials and tribulations of every day life will bring enlightenment and contentment to the masses. Simply stated, can’t wait to hear more cool blogs from you …

  6. Very cool first blog. I especially like the Wheel of Fortune / Jeopardy comparisons. Have you ever wondered why they air in the sequence they do? To make us feel better after failing Final Jeopardy, perhaps? Blog on! I'll be reading.

  7. Elizabeth - thanks! it's nice to have some interest already!

  8. Ted - I'll respond to you as soon as I look up what some of those words mean...

  9. Cathleen - you fail Final Jeopardy? You're right. Wheel of Fortune is like having a nice beer after some really expensive champagne.

  10. Hey! Great job! Thanks for the shout out. I would love to follow your blog and comment. Make sure you do the same for me!!!

  11. Welcome to the blogosphere. Wait I don't think we use that term anymore. Anyhoo, welcome and happy blogging...

  12. Sue - you got it. It helps to actually have your own blog to actually understand more about blogs.

  13. Hey - I just got on the blogosphere. Don't go changing terms on me just yet. Can't we slow this whole social media thing down?

  14. Great blog Fadra....looking forward to more posts!

  15. Proud mom watching and reading.:)
